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  • 地道口语:“小气鬼”怎么说?(图)

  • 时间:2011-11-22 新闻来源: 中国日报网-英语点津
  • 有钱也吝啬的人

      身穿十块钱一件的T恤,脚蹬九块九的布鞋,每天在菜市场跟人争分夺角… 这样的人,你会把他归入有钱人那一类吗?会,或者不会。这个真的很难说。因为不少有钱人确是不折不扣的cheapskate。

      A cheapskate is a stingy person who buys cheap instead of higher quality or better stuff, even though they might be able to afford the better. Perhaps they are ungenerously trying not to spend much on their friends. Not particularly offensive, and often intended to ridicule in a light hearted manner.


      The term is a North American origin. Skate began to appear in print in the US at the end of the nineteenth century, almost simultaneously meaning a worn-out horse, a mean or contemptible person, and a second-rate sportsman. Cheap was added early on to refer to a person’s tight-fisted nature rather than any of his other perceived inadequacies.


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