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  • 小熊宝宝争老大 拳头底下见真招(组图)

  • 时间:2011-10-21 新闻来源: 沪江英语
  • 谁才是老大 

     Bear knuckle boxing: Cubs compete to be king of the castle小熊宝宝争老大,拳头底下见真招

    These adorable baby bears look just like they're playing King of the Castle - as they battle to knock each other off a log。这两只可爱的小熊宝宝看起来就好像是在争着坐上土皇帝的宝座一般,它们互相扭打着要把对方撵下木桩子。

    They spent hours at the game, wrestling on top of the tree trunk and pushing one another over like gladiators。熊宝宝们玩了几个小时的打斗游戏,在树桩上比摔跤,好像古罗马的角斗士一样。

    我推,我咬  The little grizzly bears bopped each other over the head and even tried to bite one another with their tiny teeth as they practiced their fighting skills。小灰熊们互相敲打对方的小脑袋,还试图用它们的小牙齿撕咬对方,还在不断地训练自己的打斗技巧。

    They shuffled backwards and forwards, teetering on the splintered wood as they playfully tried to show who was boss。它们在摇摇晃晃的树干上前前后后厮打着,既像是在玩耍又像是在证明谁才是老大。

    下去,快下去  Eventually one of the bears managed to shove his brother off the end of the log, leaving him clinging on comically。最终,一只熊宝宝成功地把它的兄弟推到了树桩下,而失败的熊宝宝只好滑稽地吊在树桩的边缘上晃来晃去。

    让我上来,没门  The cub, who was just a few months old, even tried to scramble up again but was thwarted by his victorious sibling。只有几个月大的小熊仔还想再爬上去搏斗一番,无奈,刚取胜的熊兄弟没给它这个机会。

    玩累了,找妈妈去  After hours of play, the baby bears wore themselves out and scampered back to their patient mother for tea。玩了几个小时,熊宝宝们也玩累了,就蹦蹦跳跳地回到了耐心的熊妈妈身边去喝下午茶咯。

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